Compliments spouse

3 Ways to Compliment Your Spouse

It’s no secret that women and men speak different languages. Men and women think and react to things differently, and as it turns out, they need to be complimented in ways that will be meaningful to their unique thought and emotional processes.


Compliment Your Husband

• Acknowledge his success as a father/husband/decision maker/provider for the family.

• Praise his good looks. He needs to know you still have the “hots” for him.

• Let him know how happy you are to be his wife, and how he makes you feel loved and secure.


Compliment Your Wife

• Compliment her frequently, and before she has to ask for it. Bonus points for doing it publicly. She will love knowing you are proud of her.

• Tell her she is beautiful/a great cook/a wonderful mother – and use specifics.

• Acknowledge her hard work at home, with the kids, and at work. Make her feel appreciated.


For Him: “I’m so grateful you chose me to be your wife.” Or “ I love being your wife.”

For Her: “It amazes me how well you take care of me, the kids and the house. You are my wonderwoman!”